Anatom, Vanuatu

Richard Martin
Mon 28 Jul 2014 10:08
Well, we finally made it Monday lunchtime. The wind dropped Sun night but the sea remained so we still had some rocking and rolling. But getting to Anatom was a new world. The bay is protected from the south easterly swells so while we can hear the roar of the surf now at night, the anchorage is dead flat. The fact that there is no moon and no lights from the village makes the sense of isolation even stronger. I cleared customs easily - the fact that I had left Pat's passport on the boat was of no consequence-and the rest of the afternoon was spent fixing things and generally getting back to reality after 3 days in a washing machine. Nigel excelled in the galley-and the mess he left afterward- and after drinking some of our diminishing red wine stocks we are ready for a bed that doesn't move like a metronome. Tomorrow the others are looking at exploring the village a little, while I will probably just hang out and fix the outboard.