Somosomo Bay

Richard Martin
Sat 5 Jul 2014 20:20
We have had a couple of nights in Somosomo Bay at the north end of Naviti island. Another lovely bay, but it again suffers from a bit of a northerly roll. Right now the only other boat in the bay is a big motor launch from Wellington - small world! Still doing a lot of snorkelling - here we can jump off the back of the boat and swim across to the reef in no time. We walked across the island yesterday to a lagoon on the eastern side - where a WW2 fighter plane crashed. Its still there after all these years in about 3m of water. The wings have gone but the fuselage and tail plane are still there. The head of the engine seems to have corroded away, but the rest of it is there - it looks like a V12.
All good on board. We are appreciating the water maker - having to traipse through villages with jerry cans begging for water isn't a productive way of spending our time!