Port Vila

Richard Martin
Sun 10 Aug 2014 21:55
Our sail back to Vila was short but exciting. We had 30 kts on the nose as
we came out from the lee of Efate, along with a short sharp sea. So we
hunkered down using the staysail and a small reef in the main and worked our
way through it. Pat couldn't resist having one more chuck over the side for
old times sake. The boat can handle lots of main in those conditions as its
quite stiff and it helped to drive us through the waves, and the small
staysail kept the whole lot balanced.
Saturday was spent tidying up and generally hanging out ahead of Pat and
Nigel's departure and Dick and Chris's arrival. The main challenge for Pat
and Nigel seemed to be managing the changes of clothes required in the
transition from Vanuatu's high 20s to Wellington's 8 degrees. Planes were
all on time and Dick and Chris arrived. The customs officials surprised us
by charging duty for the food they were bringing up. Dealing with
officialdom is a bit like a voyage into the unknown - you just have to get
used to whatever comes your way.
Its Monday now and we are getting ready for a Tuesday departure. Chris is
going over the boat and its systems with a fine toothcomb - which is a good
way to start. Dick is taking a more laid back approach - his only problem
was locking himself in the shower last night. He has now figured how the
latch works!
We seemed to have broken the cycle of wind and rain that has dogged us the
last week. Overnight was dry and the wind has dropped. We have decided to do
the 90 mile leg to Erromango during the day as its an easier intro for
Chris. Dillon's Bay on Erromango (the place where the locals ate the
Reverend John Williams) is easy to get into at night and I have our tracks
from last time to guide us to the same anchoring position without relying on
any visual sightings.