36:08.984N 05:21.32W Marina Bay Gibraltar

Tony Porter
Tue 30 Jun 2009 15:41
So we have finally made it into the
Unfortunately (and as usual!) we left Lagos in no
wind and grey skies, the sun finally came out later and warmed us but the wind
stayed less than 8 knots and we were forced to motor sail most of the way.
We did have enough wind for an hour or so and whilst sailing we once again had a
visit from a large pod of dolphins who played around the boat for some
time. Terry also saw a large, probably tuna, leap clear out of the
water being pursued by something?
The traffic built up as we closed the shipping
lanes after dark, it was Gail's first night passage and she was delighted with
the clear skies, lot's of stars and how the lights of Cadiz reflected in the sky
on the horizon even though we were more than 35 miles away!!
As we neared the straights the lights of Spain on
one side and North Africa on the other were truly amazing.
Terry says skip is 'mollycoddling' Gail on his
watch whilst being so tough on him!....(as usual skip's response was the
'lashings will continue until moral improves!!
John unfortunately seems to have over exerted on
the rope work and ended up with a very swollen hand and wrist, fortunately now
Passing through the straits on the inside of the
shipping lanes proved wise as traffic was heavy, as we turned the final waypoint
into Gib of course up came the wind!!...careering along under full main we
hurtled into the bay at close to 9 knots and manual steering being the order of
the day in those same nasty quartering seas. We found a quiet bay in
the lee of the cliffs on the Spanish side and with everything much calmer sails
were down and stowed neatly in no time. We then motored across to the Gib
side picking our way careful through the many anchored vessel's (large!),
ferries and 'fast cats' with huge wakes!
Arriving at Marina Bay we were happy to see our
forward booking had paid off and we were expected (they were turning other
yachts away as the marina was full!
Staff were helpful in taking our lines and we
moored stern to with lazy line; finally our passerelle was
commissioned!!...formalities were quickly taken care of and Terry and Gail
headed off to explore whilst John & Skip got some much needed
Out on the town in the evening to celebrate Terry
& Gail's anniversary (day late) with a pleasant walk up Main Street a lovely
meal at the 'Angry Friar' and a few drinks and a scenic walk back along the old
water front battlements.
Lovely place, people helpful and friendly, we
are here now for a couple of weeks......more later
Picture of the Anniversary Couple enjoying the
crusing life.