Fw: Hello from La Gomera
Thu 6 Dec 2007 11:30
Hello everyone,
I thought it only best that I enter my own updates aswell. As you will
know by now Niall has been in and out of hospital for the last week or so
due to an infection in his arm , luckily he will be ready to go in the
next few days. The official race start is on Sunday although we may well
delay for one day just to make sure that Miguel McCann is 100%. Its been a
busy 10 days with lots of work and alterations needed but we are pretty
much set to go, its just a case of making sure that everything is in the
right place and the weight is distributed evenly.
We are missing 6 boxes of food which although we sent them on the 16th of
November have not reached us in time, fortunately other crews have plenty
spare so we shouldn't loose too much weight at sea.
I'd just quickly like to say thank you to everyone who has helped us get
to the start line, this includes sponsors, employers, family and friends.
The past 16 months have been far harder than Niall or I could have
imagined but with all that support behind us we are here and raring to go!
Thanks especially to both of our families who have been amazingly
supportive and continue to be.
We can be reached by email at sea - panatlantic {CHANGE TO AT} mailasail {DOT} com, your
messages of encouragement and support will be greatly appreciated and will
be a welcome distraction from Niall telling me about the various species
of fish in the Atlantic! Please if you are sending emails do not attach
any pictures or similar as it will take too long for us to download and
will cost us too much money!
We are off now to the official race party so will look to update again in
the next few days, we also hope to have some pictures posted soon.
Love to all the family, see you later to the rest of you.
Captain James Burge