New Year in Addis Ababa

Mon 31 Dec 2007 15:35
Dear All,
And so as the sun sets on another year i hope you can all look back on 2007 with a sense of pride, that you have achieved what you aspired to and that it shan't be passed off as just another year. No year should. All around the world the atmosphere must be building, fireworks being laid, beverages being consumed, all in preparation for an event that is rather arbitrary really, the New Year should of course have been 9 days ago at the solstice, but that is an accident of history i suppose, and we may as well use it as an excuse for a party. James and i certainly will, man we've got some mad things planned for tonight! Ooh if you could only know what great plans we have!
Firstly, i'd like to take this opportunity to with my mother a very happy birthday. It cannot be easy being my mother at times, and i guess this is one of those times, but she continues as such undaunted. Thanks Mum, happy birthday.
Yesterday saw us slow down a little, unfortunately James is a bit soft and has strained a tendon in his forearm, which made rowing near-impossible for him over night. I came out of the cabin for my 8-9am shift this morning and asked:
"how's the arm feeling?"
"Still the same, it's in bits. I'm going to try to faction something up to help."
"You mean fashion something up."
"I know what i mean! Hold on, faction isn't even a word is it?"
"Actually it is, it means....."
"Stop! I don't care what it means, i'm going to go faction something up, see you in an hour."
So James set to work and an hour later his face appeared in the cabin door, boyish delight was evident in his eyes. James has successfully fashioned a gorilla grip-type contraption that we have called the 'Faction Glove'. We're back up to full speed now, which is great, and James is so pleased with his invention (made using paracord and a broken ankle leash) that he is thinking of marketing the Faction Glove and making his millions.
Just for your casual interest, here are a few pieces of random information about life on board the good ship Komale:
We brush our teeth 5 or 6 times a day.
My side of the boat is the port (left) side, all James' stuff lives on the starboard (right) side. (Please note the left and right are there for James' benefit, he gets confused if i use nautical terminology!)
We sleep on a sleeping bag, it's not cool enough to sleep inside.
James uses one more pillow than i do.
We pee into a 1litre jug inside the cabin and pour everything out of the back hatch. James has a bladder like a school girl though so sometimes has to go during his shifts.
I have just finished reading This Thing of Darkness, and am now on The Lord of the Rings. James read the back cover of 7 years in Tibet for the first 3 weeks, and has been reading the front cover of Mawson's Will since then. James has also brought an ipod touch and has watched Transformers 4 times, Die Hard 4 three times and Harry Potter Goblet of Fire once.
We each row 12 one hour shifts per day. My favourite 3 are my first night shift and the first and last of each day. Dawn is wonderful. I get most tired on my second and fourth night shifts.
I mentioned that i have taken to listening to music at night and trying to learn some lyrics, which has brought about some interesting revelations! Firstly i have discovered that for years i've been singing the wrong words to nearly every song i know; the one that has amused me the most is to the Queen song 'Headlong'. Instead of singing 'And you're rushing headlong', i have been singing 'Get your Russian Hands off' since first listening to Queen as an 8 year old! I can only excuse myself as when i was 8 the Berlin Wall was still standing and Russia was still the enemy!
I have also realised that almost all lyrics are total and utter garbage. The nonsense that these people spout seems to know no end. I have come across a couple of outstanding lyricists though, the rappist M&M is quite exceptional, if a little angry; and Nirvana's Kirk O'Bain is another whose lyrics are very impressive, though he also appears to have some psychological issues.
Listening to the infinitely inane lyrics of modern pop artists, and having been tormented by music video after samey music video while training in the gym i have come to conclude that 90% of pop artists fall into one of 2 categories, dependent on their gender:
There's the "what i lack in intelligence, wit and conversation i make up for in lack of clothes and my ability to 'shake-it'" type of female artist; and the "yes i am practically a vegetable but i carry a piece" male artist.
Interestingly the female artists all have a remarkable ability to jiggle in an identical fashion (faction), which was thought to be a talent learned in youth until Beyonce went under xray for a broken coccyx and it was discovered that in place of a pelvic bone she had been born with a gyroscope. Further xrays of the femmes of modern pop showed that 90% of modern female artists have gyroscopes for hips, which coincidentally had a 85% coefficiency with an IQ of below 85. Interesting.
Beyonce is one of those infernally stupid women who has somehow become a role model for millions of young girls. The nail in the coffin for Beyonce (in my affections) was when she was once asked by a reporter as to the highly suggestive nature of one of the dance moves in a music video: "oh it's not meant to be suggestive, i was copying an african tribal dance." Genius, and what, Beyonce (if that is even a name) do you think the africans were trying to portray? Simpleton.
All this talk of dancing etc sent my mind giddy last night, and i laughed long into my night shifts. Dance is not the preserve of humanity, many other species use dance as a form of communication too, in fact the moonwalk, two-step and macarena were all 'borrowed' from the birds of paradise of Papua New Guinea.
Dance performs 3 main functions:
Firstly there is dancing for dancing's sake. Scientifically speaking it would be a physical manifestation of ones condonement of the arrangement of different frequency sound-waves arriving periodically in one's ear and stimulating vibrations in the tympanum. Simply speaking it's liking the sound of something and it makes you move. This is the type of dance that i display each and every evening as i row along bobbing my head to some tune or other.
Secondly there is dancing as an advertisment for one's suitability as a reproductive partner. This is as complex as it gets for many dancers who see no further use for dance but as a bill-board.
Finally, and this is what kept me in hysterics all evening, there is dancing as a form of social bonding, providing group cohesion and conveying basic pieces of information. I found myself picturing a dancefloor on which people were casually dancing away, enthusiastically but without unnecessary activity, for everyone was in their own little bond-group and comfortable in their surroundings. Suddenly, the eyes of two 'night club mates' (people who are each other's best mate each and every friday night) meet from across the crowded dance floor. Suddenly, as if struck by a bolt of lightening, and without once losing eye contact with his mate dancer 1 starts to gesture wildly, performing a series of exaggerated points and thrusts all the while with a grin displaying utter ecstasy plastered across his face as he nods wildly in the direction of dancer 2; This salutation thus communicated illicits a similarly enthusiastic display of vigorous self-flagellation by dancer number 2. Both men, seemingly delighted with what they have corresponded in that period of no more than 10 seconds then return to their comparitively sedate mode of dancing in their respective social groups, but the social bond between them has been indefinitely strengthened.
On that note, i bid you sing like no one's listening, dance like no one's watching, love like you've never been hurt and live like every day is the best day of your life, you will enjoy life so much more for it!
Ladies and gentlemen of the blogosphere, a very happy New Year to you all, unless of course you are Ethiopian, not that i wish any ill upon the Ethiopians, they have quite enough on their plate (ahem) already, just that someone forgot to tell them when Jesus died and they guessed wrong: they celebrated the Millennium this very August! Hmm, i wonder whether they had any problems with the millennium bug? That'd have caused havoc if the country's computer went down, goodness knows what they'd do!
Happy New Year everyone, whatever it is you are doing.