Mt Marum - The unwanted Volcano. Ambrym

Pacific Bliss
Colin Price
Sun 27 Oct 2013 06:06
Legend has it that the volcano of Mount Marum started life on
the island of Ambae 60nm further North from here. He made too much noise and the
population booted him off to Pentecost where he also made a nuisance of
himself. He was moved on from there and ended up in the North of Ambrym
where he stays today marking the sky downwind with a tail of smoke and
ash. Our guide up the hill told us that the locals today are happy to have
him, despite the noise, as he brings them lots of cash (not ash).
![]() Mt Marum from the Sea
Marom is a live volcano that last erupted 100 years ago in 1913
killing many people, since then he and hislittle brother Benbow have been
bubbling away much to the excitement of volcanologists and thrill seekers. He is
one of only three volcanoes in the world in this state that can be
visited. So, in Tanna we saw a spitting volcano and here we were to see a
bubbling cauldron.
Access to the mountain from the North, which is about 1300m high
(abou the same as Ben Nevis), is owned by the village of Ramvetlem on the NW
coast. We organised a guide in the village, Edwin bought along his 9yr old
son. Our aim is to spend the night up the mountain in a hut so we are
weighed down with hammocks, sleeping bags, thermals, food and water. Edwin
arrives with a small bag, holding a couple of towel like blankets and ‘one’ all
important breathing apparatus, not sure what these guys intend to live off but
at least Edwin will be able to breath up the top of the volcano once the
dangerous volcanic smoke engulfs us at the top of the mountain!
![]() ![]() We hire a truck to take us the first bumpy 30 minutes up the
hill through the gardens till the road ran out. This appears to be a big
hit with all the villagers as they take the opportunity hitch a lift on
our expensive ride, it seems it’s just the given. There after it’s back on
to our own feet and we trekked up for the next 3 hours through changing
vegetation. Then it’s the rather surreal trek across the lava plains
and crossing redundant lava rivers. Thankfully the sky is cloud covered,
it must be unbearably hot under blue and sunny skies. Finally
to the hut where we’re able to off load our baggage and ready ourselves for the
cold night ahead.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() After lunch, more evidence that our guide and his son only have
a packet of dry crackers between them. After a wee break we’re on our
final hike up to the mouth of the volcano. It’s an extraordinary leg. up
through cold spring water outlets and then on to the slippy, slidy
precipice. Whilst Cosmo and his buddy Tycon skip and scamper up to the
top, Z and I are a little more prudent. Thankfully Edwin has the boys under his
watchful hands once their up the top. If we knew what was up awaiting for
us. We would have been had Cosmo glued to our sides.
![]() Barren Volcanic landscape
![]() Hanging on to Cosmo as we look tentatively over the edge – straight down
500m into the volcano
Looking into the jaws of hell itself – or so it seemed. The volcano
gurgled, and burped. We’re all agog only able to muster utterences of
wonder and awe.
Zinnia is delighted having been a little disappointed at Tanna this
hits the mark Big time, the 4 hour walk was well worth it.
![]() ![]() ![]() Bubbling caldron of lava 500m below our feet, shooting huge
globs of lava what must have been 100s of feet in the air and then back into the
endless eruption below us. The noise was different to Tanna, we could here the
waves of lava swooshing back and forward, and the rumble of gases being
expelled. From another vent on the other side of the crater there was more
sound of vicious venting and clouds of sulphurous gas, which, if the wind
turned, we would have to avoid very rapidly. Luckily for our guide he had
a gas mask – unluckily for us, he only had one. We hoped he was not going
to need it.
![]() We retreated from the rim before it got too dark as it would have been
considerably difficult to tackle the decent in the dark, perhaps another time
we’d have stayed but not a place to hangout with kids. Half an hour later we’re
back at our hut. First job is to gather dry wood, no easy feet due to the
current down pour. Then off to collect water from the stream, not sure of
the health properties of this water but with enough boiling at the very least it
won’t carry any emibic pests, just the concentrated levels of sulphuric acids
deposited from the volcano . Much to the kids delight they are
treated to 3-minute noodles cooked over a fire then we all turn in early for a
very cold, uncomfortable and sleepless night. The kids hardly slept a wink
but hardly utter a squeak due to feeling totally satisfied by their second
volcanic experience, especially all night the sky is awash with a red volcanic
hugh and hearing the rumbles of mount Marum.
under the glow of Marum’s endless fury
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Ambrym
sunset |