Any christmas messages

Pacific Bliss
Colin Price
Tue 7 Dec 2010 12:39
and it's a .com at the end
We are pacificbliss(*)mailasail.
Have a great Christmas to all.
I will now get a chance to update our blog and we will down load more pictures once we're back in Panama which is after the new year. We aim to transit the Canal on the 5th of December, then I have to provision on the boat for the following year,this expected to take in the region of one-two weeks, it's a lota loo paper and pasta! Pacific Islands reputed to be v'expensive. Will try and travel down to Ecuador by beginning of Feb. Current plan is to spend 2-3 wks traveling on Ecuadorian buses and trains and then start our big trip over to Galapagos in March. We will then have about 8 months to cross the Pacific to Austrailia
Got back to the San Blas today. Very wet and very windy. Glad to put the anchor down and wait for the weather to get better.