Les Saintes 15:52.0N 61:35.0W

Pacific Bliss
Colin Price
Mon 1 Mar 2010 11:28
Iles de Saintes
Monday and we are off with our clean and sorted boat. Plus, amazingly
for cruising life we are bang on time. Of course the wind is bang on our nose,
when has it ever not been.The Passage over to The Saintes is just a short hope
but with more lobster pots to avoid than cracks in a crazy pavement, it makes it
a wee bit trickier. Guadaloupe is the 2nd larges fish consuming country
per head per capitar, so this figures. but joy of joys we arrive in Iles des
Saintes to find Bonnair, Tim and Steph, Colin Parents and our lovely crazy Swiss
Within minutes of arrival colin has arranged for folk to come-aboard
for drinks, we are at a bit of a disadvantage given we have kids and
a catamaran, and everyone else invited, and they are all OCC folk, have
monohulls that are not child friendly boats, ours is already
Tuesday is family day after school Colins folks come over for coffee
followed by lunch. We unpack our goodie bags, my stash
totalled silver cleaner, never wear silver whilst living on the water it's
pointless as every silver piece looks like it's badly Oxydized, Pegs, and shower
mats. Colin however seems to have ordered up half an electrical
store. Its an amazing fact, but i am sure Colin has saved an enormous
amount of money since getting me away from the uk and the uk makers,
Personally i am now worried about his fertive on-line shopping
Pm and we head to the land for an insight into Iles de Saint. On my
arrival in Jolly Harbour i met a lovely lady, Eve,
who told me that THe Saints were really
rather Sheek, so I had been holding out for them. Gratefully we
are still in France which means Great Bread, Cafe's Etc. It's a
lovely place, BUT, it seems to have lost it's heart, due to the
hundreds of day trippers how pile in at 9ish, We left the town
and headed to the Grave Yard, Which we have to say was one
ofthe best we've found to date. Pristeen white tiles
mosaliams with bright and beautiful array of well tended Plastic
Flowers, and if a white tiled moseleum was too costly then the
grave is marked by a perfectly lined coverage of Conch Shells, it was very
special, and now we are sounding really rather wiered but Cemetries are
the most Island-centric identity we have found in each place. Given the
Monserate volcano has hit twice recently there has been alot of love, care and
cleaning going on here.
Continued our survey of 'Graveyards of the Caribbean' with this
beautiful example of a graveyard decorated with conch shells. ![]() Wednesday and we head up a steep hill to Fort Neopolean and the his
fortress up on the hill looking over the bay. Often, Colin and I have found
ourselves in the Philistain camp and rather interested in Museums etc. But this
place is wonderful, no need for interaction and turning/zappy kids
interaction gimic here, it just manages to bring the battles of the past
alive plus with the added advantage of live, wild giant iguanas. I
promise it was like seeing a dreamworks film it hit the mark on old, middle
and young.
Fort Napoleon on the hill is a great place to spot Iguanas and
has a magnificent view over the harbour
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Wednesday PM
The long awaited Sam Dickinson Birthday Party.
Sam's birthday was an epic ice cream fest followed by rum on Bonnair, Sam's
best birthday presi was a black bucket, and fishing lure, he is colins kind
of kid
![]() Read this how you wish Colin entered it, I think it sound like a
perfect kids party.
Plans to-date have been mixed as to our next step, we
really were unsure if the work would be done in time but straight after Colins
parents arrive we are meeting up with the Saunders, I think we have asked them
to join us in about 5 different location to date, but 10days ago we had a firm
decision to collect them in St Lucia on Sunday. 2 Days ago whilst in the
Saintes, readying ourselves for the long passage south, we meet some folk saying
we shouldn't miss Dominica, plus, hereing from lots of other folk
that Martinique is far nicer than St Lucia , oppps plans about to change.
Granny and Papa joined us here. They lived aboard s/y Oriole (John
and Chris Lytle RCC OCC) whilst in the Caribbean and spent days with us and the
passage down to Dominica. This scheme worked well, and we've heard from
other live aboards with kids that having guests on land or another boat makes
things much easier.
Thursday AM we motor round the corner to meet up with our Lovely/Crazy
Swiss Friends, Dennis and Lynn taught Zinnia to Dive from the
Bows Today and Cosmo Finally Age 4 is able to jump from the bows, no mean feet
for either, Colin and i have just managed to jump from the Bows once or Twice
but Diving is a no no but we are not going to tell Z this.
Danny, who is a double for Alan O'connor, and scarily similar. He has
a dive kit on board and has spotted Lobster, but with no knowledge of how to
deal with the beasts, Colin with knife and Wife can forfill the Brief. So
An afternoon of missed/escaped/ now clawless opportuinties, means war from
the boys from Pacific Bliss and Dedication: plus we've asked these guys for
supper and we ain't got anything else. But sure is eggs is egg my Hunter
Gatherer Husband comes Good.
A little bit of diving, and lobster for super. Not that the two are
related you understand.
![]() ![]() So we were able to feed Danny and Sabina there first Lobster, A very lovely
night had. But we as a family can only every refer to Danny as ' You don't
wanna mess with danny' a phrase cosmo happily relayed to the man
himself, i think it went down ok.
We've loved seeing the Grand-parents and Chris and John and
it's worked a treat, so very unplanned, tomorrow we will follow Orial down to
Dominica when Granny and Papa will given a chance of helping our on PB. The only
certainty of a cuising life is that plans change by the hour.
We arrived in Dominica for a late lunch, John and Chris Joined
us and as we are very stable it was a well received invite to be able to leave
the rock and roll of Orial. Given the state of there boat they stayed for
the rest of the afternoon.
After a comfortable night for us and a sleepless one for
the monohull brigade we headed inland to visit real life in Portsmouth,
Dominica. It's not a wealthy place but it's a friendly one. Everyone
greats you, but no-one hassled us. The Kids were particularly fascinated with
this tree house/home on the beach.
Visited a very real local market to collect provisions.
We have been particularly disappointed with the fresh fruit and veg in the
carribean until recently all the northern Islands seem to rely on imports
from the US or Europe. New we are here and Dominica
is known as the Fruit Basket of the Caribean all the supplies are
delicious local and fresh.
By PM the swell and wind is really getting up and so the planned trip up
the Indian river is reduced to the Price Clan, whilst the littles keep
Sadly our time is a little pressed and we need to get down to Meet up with
our next guests, but Dominica looks like a lovely lush place. It's a shame
we haven't more time to hang-out we think a least a week would be a good time to
spend here. The Government have even made it easy to check in and out
unlike a lot of other Islands.