Day 5 30.38S 177.23E

Pacific Bliss
Colin Price
Sat 10 Nov 2012 17:42
Seeing gusts up to 46knot and sea state in the region 6mtrs.
You'd think we would have learnt from one flooding but this after noon we got a mother of a rogue wave that knocked us sideways throwing coffee an numerous objects across the Saloon. Having leapt up to slam the door firm shut I was un able to release the catch and then had to watch a small tidal wave cascade through the door into the cabin. Not a nice job to do when fatigued, plus all those bilge cleaning jobs now seem a little unnecessary.
On the up side we've only 300nm to go and the boat smells like an Italian Cafe.
winds and sea starting to abait a wee bit thank goodness. Perhaps tonight we might get a bit of shut eye.