19:23.7N 59:14.7W
Good morning all. We have enjoyed an splendid
run over the last two days and have covered 324 miles. The trade winds
have filled in and have brought 20=30kt winds and roughish seas.
Currently we are bowling along under reefed foresail at about 8kts.
The only downside to this is that it has been raining quite hard and Nimble Ape
is moving around, so quality sleep has been difficult and we’re all a bit
tired. The upside is we are only 300 miles from Tortola and should be
alongside sometime on Wednesday. Throughout the voyage the night sky has been spectacular,
I’d forgotten quite how many stars there are, but last night we were
treated to a meteorite shower which was delivering, at times, a shooting star
every couple of seconds. Most of them were quite fleeting, but some
seemed to last for ages trailing comet like tails it was a fantastic sight. Ian and Newman are on deck as I write this, and attached is
a photo of Ian I took this morning and hopefully you can get some sense of the
weather. All being well the next update will be from the BVI, rum
punch in hand. Yours Aye, Apes |