Ocean World to George Town Pictures.

Moorglade's Voyage
Ted Wilson
Thu 8 Mar 2012 02:48
Photos taken while Ross Wilson helped sail Moorglade from the Dominican Republic to Great Exuma via The Turks and Caicos Islands, and Long Island.
The channel out of Ocean World Marina                                              Ross hoists the T & C courtesy flag while we take a break of French Cay
Ross looks for coral heads on Caicos Bank                                         Indicating the way forward in Sapodilla Bay
Looking out to the anchorage Clarence Town                                       Pre dinner dip at sunset (we were short of water for showers)
The two splendid churches at Clarence town, both built by the same man. Sadly the Anglican one on the right is in poor repair.
Chuck and Lou power past as we approach Great Exuma                    Conch Cut Great Exuma
Monument anchorage seen from George Town in a Northerly blow              Maymio on a better day
Chat and Chill on Stocking Island                                                            Civil Engineering on the beach
Stocking Island looking  SE from the monument                                   and looking NW
Exuma Sound side in a northerly.                                                      Last swim of the trip.