Bahamas - Ragged Islands, Little Ragged, a Snake comes to visit

SV Meshugga
Nicholas & Deidre Mace
Fri 5 Mar 2021 18:39
A beach Hot Dog BBQ was planned and Nicholas volunteered to make the fire, so it was only Nicholas and I ashore, and whilst the fire got going we were sitting with an empty chair between us, chatting.
As Nicholas reached across to pick up his E-Smoker, he looked to see a snake on the chair...............
We had NO idea what type of snake and whether it was venomous or not. Taking no chances Nicholas got a long stick, picked it up and walked it a fair distance to the bushes. I was all for finding something lethal and chopping its head off.

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Later with everyone ashore, about 12 of us, the snake returned climbing up onto an occupied chair.......
Robyn of Cookie Monster literally flew out of her chair and across the fire pit.
Once again, it was carefully gathered up and taken away.

Next day after googling, we ‘think’ it’s a Little Ragged Boa Constrictor, a non-venemous snake. However, it might be a Racer, in which case it’s Venemous..........

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Our Hot-Dog BBQ

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All the Cruisers brought a dish to share, and there was more than sufficient sides, sauces and desert to go around.

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As the moon rose and dinner finished, a Bon-fire continued late into he night with stories told.

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Aboard, our biscuit box is low and this week it Almond Biscotti

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Thanks Karen for the lovely photo of Nicholas and me!

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Take Care

Deidre Mace
SV Meshugga
E: Deidre {CHANGE TO AT} Mace {DOT} co {DOT} za
E: DMace {CHANGE TO AT} Nous {DOT} co {DOT} za
C: +1 754 213 7663
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