Dominica - Roseau

SV Meshugga
Nicholas & Deidre Mace
Wed 17 Apr 2019 12:56
After a week exploring Portsmouth and surrounds, we sailed south to Roseau the capital of Dominica and collected the hydraulic pump for our davit Tenderlift which had arrived via DHL. Shockingly Customs wanted us to pay import duty of 21% (on both the part and DHL fee) - our other and cheaper option was to use a broker to draw up Import and Export Documents at EC50 ea, and then we still had to pay VAT of 4%. At least we now have the part and Nicholas has installed it, so we can now pick up our dinghy easily again.
The day after we arrived the Cruise ship came in and town was overrun with a couple of thousand of tourists
Usual tourist craft/souvenir market
The town was quite badly hit by Hurricane Maria and there is still evidence of the destruction.
Not sure if this is from the Hurricane or just an old building in a state of disrepair
Town is a mixture of a few new buildings, but fairly run down buildings and vendors selling produce from roadside stalls
We went to the Trafalgar Falls, highly recommended by Kieran. We caught the local bus, for EC5 ea instead of taking a tour guide/taxi at US60, and met another cruising couple doing the same.
Out bus to Trafalgar Village and Falls
At the Falls, we needed to pay a US$5 environmental fee, and it was a short walk to the falls. The falls are not in the Rain Forest and not in the same league as the Guadeloupe Falls walk.
Dual Papa and Mama falls. The Papa falls (taller one) has the famed Hot Springs
We climbed over the huge volcanic boulders partway up the Papa Falls, but I was not able to continue high enough to get to the hot springs - and Nicholas decided to stay with me and not continue up on his own.
We had a great picnic on the rocks and floated in the pools and I got pounded under the falls (not the main falls)
Leaving the Falls, we walked downhill towards the village and this is the river from falls.
Back in Roseau we went to Dominica Dive Bar for drinks and to use their Wi-Fi
Overlooking the anchorage
Black volcanic sand beaches of Dominica. The locals do not seem to have the same high regard for waterfront properties as we do.
Beautiful morning rainbow over the anchorage. Lots for rain every night.9
Take care
Deidre Mace
SV Meshugga
E: Deidre {CHANGE TO AT} Mace {DOT} co {DOT} za
C: +1 754 213 7663
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