impound the boat, arrest the skipper.

Guy & Simonne SIGSTON
Thu 21 Oct 2010 06:59
Please take a look at our new website - photos and stories. Facebook was too hard when internet access is limited.
go to
(you may want to cut and paste this to your favourites - note, no 'www')
we have been sailing for 36 hours across the Timor Sea having left Kupang in a hurry.
On Monday we were guests of the local government at a dinner with singing, traditional dancing and we all received an Indonesian gift. It was a very pleasant evening and again Juliette and Hugo drew a lot of attention. Being white in this part of the world is such a novelty - and this is Kupang. Just imagine what it will be like in the small villages/islands!
Tuesday afternoon the rally Director returned from a meeting at which the Customs paperwork was to be finalised. Instead he returned with the news that all boats had to depart immediately as we would not be granted Customs clearance into Indonesia in Kupang - maybe not anywhere. Any boat remaining in the morning would be impounded and the skipper arrested!
An emotional meeting was held during whch the Director was given a hard time by some whilst others focused on the 'what now'. Can we sail in Indonesian waters? - not really. Can we go ashore? You could be arrested. All we knew was that we had to leave quickly.
Laroobaa decided to up anchor at 05.00 just after the first crack of dawn and we led out the fleet of 22 yachts. Direction Rinca where we might be able to see Kimodo dragons and find a quiet little anchorage, draw little attention whilst the Director sorts out the problem. If he cant sort it out we will just keep going to Singapore.
The last 36 hours we have had very little wind but we are in no hurry: whilst we are in no man's land we are fairly safe. Tomorrow we will arrive ar Rinca. News today is that we can get Customs clearance for an U$800 fee but this may take some time. Tomorrow we will have more news and by next week all will be clear - we hope.
Yesterday Guy caught a sail fish with a magnificent pointed bill, a huge sail and purple flashes on his 'shoulders'. So beautiful that we let it go to amuse someone else. Fishing here so far and since Darwin has been pretty poor. The Indonesians fish their waters to death, pollute with household garbage and wonder why all they can catch is tiddlers.
Juliette has just got up from her afternoon nap. Simonne and Hugo sleep on and I will get my chance later, before we start another night watch. Nights are amazing, lots of lightening that scares the daylight out of me but there is very little you can do. If your boats name is on one of those flashes it is going to be a costly business.
The boat looks like a Chinese laundry with washing hanging on the rails - the only chore for the day - and the only exercise! Its getting close to beer o'clock....
Love to all.