Emailing: 1st Mahi Mahi, church notice Nevis, Indian River,Dominica, no wind, Our friendly boat boy, Sombrero Island
Richard and Rachel Caswell
Thu 10 Jul 2008 11:50
Here's some pictures of our trip south. Ended up
doing quite a bit more motoring than planned, as we kept getting these windless
days ! Caught our first fish when leaving the BVI's, then motored out to
Sombrero Island to see what that was like - very inaccessable by dinghy !
Stopped the night in St Martin, then onto St Kitts for a night, and
stayed a night at Nevis, then onto Antigua for a couple more nights, Isle
de Saints for another night then Dominica for a couple of days before going to
Martinique, where we ended up there for 10 days.
The church notice at Nevis says " God promises a
safe landing not a calm passage "
The Indian River on Dominica is where part of the
second "Pirates of the Caribbean" film was located - think swampy