16-18 June: Passage details - South Biscay 30 miles N of Gijon

John and Prue Quayle / John Quayle
Sat 16 Jun 2007 18:19
Midday 18 June
After a pleasant lazy day on Saturday
16th waiting for the delayed arrival of John Smith, Gaudeo sat in the mud
alongside a river pontoon outside the yacht basin without any problem until the
flood tide brought hordes of people in yachts from other riverside villages
for the Rochefort fete who quite reasonably would have liked to raft up
alongside. Given the considerable difficulty of leaving or changing berth in
such a strong stream our plea for consideration was accepted gracefully and with
good humour. They were later entertained by the spectacle of Gaudeo casting off
within seconds of John`s arrival at 1930hrs - such urgency to make the most of
the ebb stream but also to enjoy the magnificent scenery in
beautiful early evening light, and dinner (fried langoustine in garlic
butter, Dover sole, haricot beans and new potatoes, washed down with 2005 Puilly
Fume) - so to begin the Biscay crossing!
The weather forecast was for 2 depressions to
come through in the west of Biscay and Fitzroy over the next 3 days giving
variable winds but a predominantly SW air flow. Off the NE end of Ile
D`Oleron we were rudely greeted by an immense westerly almost breaking
swell in spite of there being little wind, due to 4knot tide and
shallow water (15m) which only settled 2 hours later when we were in deeper
water. Not a place to be in strong wind!
Since then we have had a 50/50
combination of lovely mainly close hauled sailing and motor
sailing in warm conditions and only brief showers; a reef was
only required for about 4 hours. Now 120 miles from our planned destination at
Sada in Ria Betanzos (return flights booked from Santiago de Compostela am
Thursday 21st). Decided to press on rather than stop off in Cedeira
because of a forecast of possible gales later in W Biscay. Pods of whales (
again uncertain of species) spotted close by on 3
occasions. |