26:48.83N 17:05.49W
John and Prue Quayle / John Quayle
Sun 18 Nov 2007 09:54
The harbour as we left Santa Cruz was crammed with
yachts, many of which were of the super yacht variety and preparing for
transatlantic crossings. Amongst them was the eye wateringly gorgeous navy blue
50ft + sloop, Brave Heart, which our crew think may belong to actor Mel Gibson.
Much debate centred on the best sailing strategy
for the unusual weather system giving light southerly and variable wind. We
began motor sailing almost due south intending to keep towards the African coast
which seemed to give the earliest prospect of return
to favourable wind. At least it allowed us to enjoy and retain the
first excellent culinary offering from Jonathan Lane, a "taste the
difference" style spaghetti Bolognese.
For the last 5 hours we have had a spanking
reach at 7-8 knots with a SE 15 knot breeze and smooth sea after a night motor
sailing, and our course now is towards the NW of Cape Verde Islands to a
position around 25/25 degrees lat/long where we hope to pick up the westerly
trades and turn west.
The crew are well settled in to a
rotating solo watch rota of 3 hours on during darkness and 4 hours in
daylight giving allowing ample sleep and time for R&R.
Mention earlier was made to the sartorial elegance
of one member of the crew. During the night this was surpassed by his
designer outfit of khaki shorts over a pair of olive green thermal
trousers so his shipmates are likely to remain challenged in this
department until the end of the voyage.