19:34.80N 29:07.11W

John and Prue Quayle / John Quayle
Sun 25 Nov 2007 12:16
Yesterday was maintenance day: rearranging the rig, dealing with chafe, unblocking a shower pump, changing oil in the generator, checking over the engine, mending torches etc.
Previously clear skies have been filled with cumulus, producing slight rain and numerous squalls up to 30 knots, though on average the wind has been around 18-22 knots from the East powering us at 6- 7 knots towards Grenada. A persistent and particularly aggressive squall requiring an urgent reef occurred whilst crew were taking showers etc. a sign that the Great sailor in the sky disapproves of all this cleanliness.
On the foredeck , regrettably after breakfast was found our first flying fish though many have been seen close by.
Apart from a tanker and an unlit yacht - lights illuminated after it was passed - we had no traffic until this morning when a German flagged Gibsea 473, "Arcadia", bound for Martinique crossed behind us. It had left Gran Canaria on 17th as we had Tenerife.
The regular rhythm of watches and an enjoyable team spirit still allows individual eccentricity. In the morning after ascertaining that the water may be warm enough for his shower, one crew member makes a regular request from his bunk for "a cup of tea please, Earl Grey - Taylors of Harrogate not Twinings". The sound of rhythmic pounding on deck during night watch at first gave off-watch shipmates concern that "Gertie`s" honour might be at risk until being reassured that it is related to aerobic exercises - by all accounts of the "lower body" variety; the "upper body" apparently receives sufficient abuse with winch grinding. Such is the need to retain a lean and hungry look whilst enjoying the fruits of Gaudeo`s gourmet cruise.