12:23.55N 56:36.04W
John and Prue Quayle / John Quayle
Fri 7 Dec 2007 11:29
plotting way points to within a veneer`s thickness of the Grenada coastline
as if he were in his racing yacht; JL has almost completed an Astro sight
position somewhere in the western hemisphere; JS is washing his smalls; JQ
is spring cleaning the forecabin in readiness for Prue.
Though we have had perfect sailing breezes for the last 48 hours, and
covering over 300 miles - helped by current of around one knot - the last 36
hours are likely to be painfully slow.
Individual preferences are being declared for different night watches to the
extent that should the trip last longer, auctions would be expected;
an example of the mid Atlantic market economy. Choice foods would be next.