Southern Cross update 1200 23/05

JJ Rowers
Jamie Facer-Childs and James Thysse
Sat 23 May 2009 12:20
James phoned to say spirits are still high on Southern Cross, a little boat
they are rather fond of as it did manage, with some persuasion, to right itself
after a monumental capsize on Thursday. The capsize did result in the loss
of some equipment, J&J seem to think that the loss of their fishing line was
the most tragic!! They report that they are still in possession of their
passports so hopefully should be able to enter Mauritius legally! Most
importantly all the equipment associated with actually rowing across an ocean is
still intact. Weather conditions in their area are very confused at the
moment in terms of wind and wave direction and the boys are heading NW
to hopefully pick up more consistent weather and currents. Both
J&J remain determined to complete the crossing but are hoping there
will not be any more periods on the para-anchor as their hard-drive with all the
movies on got very wet in the capsize and isn't working and they are
not sure if they really want to get into deep philosophical conversations to
pass the time!
Only minor injuries were sustained in the capsize but James reports serious
cases of "claw" hands now and rashes in places not fit for print. J&J
thank all for the many messages they have received during their time
at sea but especially over the last few days and continue to wish all the other
crews good weather and good fortune.