the good, the bad, and the squally

Antilochus Ltd/Jess Dawkes
Thu 10 Sep 2015 17:06
17 53 UT
SOG 5.2
COG 267
Well...what an exciting 24hours it has been. We had a wonderful sail all through the night, with the wind staying NW4. Unfortunately at 0730 LT the wind decided to disappear for a while for breakfast, so we motored. It then filled back in again from the SE, and so the sailing continued. All afternoon we sailed, and were joined by dolphins of all varieties, and a couple of cute little birds. We should have suspected something though, as they were all going the opposite direction...
Since 1630 LT we have been alternately hit by vicious squalls ( 30knots on the nose, torrential rain, thunder and lightning!) or light fluffy airs from behind. Theres been lot of sail changing!
It all seems to have passed now, and the forecast tells me we should have a pleasant night of southerly's. For now though, we have a N2/3, good conditions for cooking dinner!
Only 178.2 miles left to run, so lets see what the next 30hours or so brings!
All is well