arrivederci, ciao, buon viaggio!

Antilochus Ltd/Jess Dawkes
Wed 9 Sep 2015 16:48
41.12.17 N 008.08.01 E

17.40 UT

SOG 6.2
COG 261

So, a happy month spent touring Sardinia and Corsica, and the Madellena's but now it is time to move to pastures new.
We left at 0800 LT this morning, and had a glorious sail. Downwind, full head sail, 1/2 main, great sailing.
The wind then started to die, and come very much forward of the beam, but after a brief hour of motoring we are sailing again with full canvas, in a NNW F3.
We are now just clearing the very end of Sardinia. and have only 343 nm left to run to Sant Carles marina in Spain!
All is well.