A looong day's riding to Oshikango...Angola tomorrow!
17:24.61S 15:50.26E 18th February, 2014 Well, we have arrived at Oshikango, the border town in Namibia, before crossing into Angola. Today was a long ride, we did more than 500 kilometres, virtually all west, so we are now at our furthest most west point, and for me this will be the furthest south I come…. Yippee, it’s been quite tough for the mind coming almost 18 degrees south from where I was, last year, just north of the equator in Kenya. I wanted to do Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, and then Lake Tanganyika, so this southing has been the price. Also, being forced around the Democratic Republic of Congo, has also required this huge ‘U’. Anyway that’s all behind me know, and North I go….. Looking forward to exploring Angola now…. We will no doubt have some stories tomorrow from our border crossing! |