Day 161: Rwanda... Wow, a new model for Africa! Kigali, a pleasant surprise!

01:56.25S 30:03.42E Border crossing, crowded, Police told to move my bike, then Intrepid arrive, spoke with the dutch girl, then money changing, all good, coffee with the money changer…. No insurance, left hand side of the road, and boom guard wanted to check the insurance but his English wasn’t good, so he let me go…. Suddenly Milk can’s on bikes Lots of farming and villages orderly. Great roads, tar and sweeping corners Approach to Kigali, it felt different….. I stayed at the Auberge la Caverne. Met Moses and Moses, what nice guys and great chats. Modern shopping mall, coffee, sophisticated people Rode around surprised at the sophistication, clean and orderliness. DRC Doctor amazing and everyone pro Rwanda. French dimension to it too…. The visit to the Genocide Memorial Site was very special, but also very hard hitting in its presentation of the dark side of humanity. |