Half way home
Colin Laidlaw
Sat 30 Jun 2012 14:14
Overall, our impression of this last section of the trip is that it could have been a lot worse. Although we were beating against the prevailing winds for the majority of time, the seas were slight, even on some occassions being glass-like, so unlike my (Belinda's) perception of what the crossing would be!
This morning captain col ventured up the mast to clear a sticking point on the main halyard. Both of us benefitted from his being 2 stone lighter in this task! We are now in a bar (free wifi) having a good attempt at putting back on those 2 stone.
The next couple of days will be spent catching up on sleep, provisioning, and planning the next stage of the trip while waiting for Keith to come and join us northwards. We're really looking forward to this next phase which will involve shorter trips and explore the coast of Portugal, Spain, and the north Biscay.
Missing you all
Colin and Belinda