Approaching the Marquesas islands
Humphrey Gale
Sat 6 Apr 2013 11:21
April 6th 03.00 NIght watch again!
My perception of aproaching destination has changed somewhat over the last 6 months. Whereas, previously in Northern Europe, approaching destination would mean I can see it, perhaps 10 miles away, now it means we about a day or 2 days from destination, in fact, currently 200 nautical miles.
We have had a variety of winds on this passage. From the Galapagos we went south west looking for the trade winds at about Latitude 7/8 degrees south. Then we have had some southerly initiallly, moving around mainly to an ESE then E and then yesterday after yet another bout of heavy rain squalls,it went northerly. Yesterday, the wind speed dropped to very light winds of about 6/7 knots (apparent) barely enough to keep the cruising chute flying and now we are motoring through the night in no wind!
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