Rolling around in the Pacific ocean
Humphrey Gale
Thu 4 Apr 2013 10:14
April 4th 03.00
NIght watch 2 -6 am, my regular slot. LIght winds, changeable direction, mainly east, cloudy, rain squalls, very dark outside. It is not supposed to be like this.... easterly wind means close to a dead run , and with the swell as it is, we are rolling around a lot and it is rather uncomfortable and the stuff in the cupboards plates boxes etc bang around as we roll from one side to the other.... but I don't suffer from sea sickness anymore, and can do emails down below decks with no ill effects, although it is nice to get up on deck for the cool breeze, it is very hot and muggy below decks with no breeze circulating
Probably about 3 to 4 more days to go before we arrive at Nuku Hiva, the most southerly island in the Marquesas chain of islands