"Catch of the day" - Another big fresh wahoo for the chef
Humphrey Gale
Tue 15 Jan 2013 05:45
Lat 12.6 N Long 74.0 W 14 Jan This morning I landed a 16lb Wahoo on deck, biggest so far - cannot wait to load the photos( taken by others on the boat) on the blog - it was about 5 ft long, a seriously big fish, and took a lot of effort and time to wind in, but the adrenelin does kick in to help, and I needed to allow it time to wear itself out fighting the the pressure of the line whilst weaving in wide arches from one side of the boat to the other and then diving deep as it approached the stern of the boat, expending all its efforts to get away. All the gear that I bought to facilitate this kind of fishing properly is starting to pay off. Supper tonight for six of us was "catch of the day in a Carribean style spiced sauce". And we have 2/3 of fillets we sliced from the fish left in the fridge. So probably sushi , for lunch tomorrow from the loin of the wahoo and more fish for dinner. Fish this fresh is seriously tasty. I cannot believe that I am actually catching fish this size for food - having never properly held a fishing rod until this year.Very, very exciting day and events like this really make my day. Fresh air, sunshine, nobody else for miles nd miles, hunting our own food for supper, in the middle of an ocean - it is so far removed from "a day in the office" - I feel very fortunate, blessed and grateful to be able to experience this |