Sat 5 Dec 2009 12:35
Our on board routines are now well established and
it is pleasing to learn that the personal hygiene standards of the crew (Fridays
Musings) meet the highest standards expected of the yacht. The rising sun sees
these activities enthusiastically embarked upon by all. Breakfast can be
anything from the full greasy spoon prepared by Richard or the healthy option of
fruit salad or fish from John or Tim. After these basics of life have been dealt
with there is some loose discussion about course and tactics for the day and
maybe an enthusiasitc 30 minutes of sail trimming,in Johns case it could go on
for a full hour, thereafter we easily slip into cruising mood discussing the the
better things in life. What is Hutchs pillow a substitute for? Does John assume
that particular sleeping position when at home? Whats for lunch and is there
enough red wine to get us to St Lucia.
One of the most questioned subjects is why is
Commodore Richard so happy to be in the middle of the Atlantic when back home in
Lymington his Club will be sitting down to their annual bun fight at their AGM.
He simply says it was a no brainer and that tonights AGM will proberbly be the
quickest on record as there is no one to have a poke at.
Our days are spent with each following his own
personal agenda.
The good skipper and aspiring Prime Minster
continues to develop his manifesto and his skills at hide and seek. All the
torches have been found, The Ipod lead was where it should be but that was
obviously not the place to look. Cloths pegs have become an issue apparently
their resting place of the past six years is no longer ideal. There is concern
about the wool, no trace has ever been found and rumour has it that John packed
it in the in the bag and therefore launched it to the ocean.This did give
Richard the opportunity to show that he was awake and he successfully developed
the Double Diamond J Cloth Kite Tie.
Alan has much to occupy himself deliberating over
our course. It appears that he is best able to do this when either fishing or
sleeping. His penetrating wit has been much apprreciated by his fellow crew
members and his sharp response to the questionable advice recieved from our
backhome Landlubber Support Sir Peter has raised crew moral to heady
Young Tim never ceases to amaze us, not only with
his knowledge but also his sheer energy in doing. He is constantly on the go
mending, making and providing, if some of the more senior crew members had had
his degree of application when they were his age then there is no knowing what
might have been.He nearly went a step to far this morning when examining the
consistancy of Hutchs bread mix and declared it to sloppy and proceeded to
rectify, our resident baker kept a low profile during these
The big highlight of the past 24hrs was Johns
determination to watch 3 hrs of the Longest Day in Black and White. It has
been sugested that he has a quick viewing of Ozzys gift to see if its suitable
for the rest of the crew.