Fenella_ ARC

Tue 24 Nov 2009 10:32
Day 1 Took Jolyon's advice and had an encouraging
start, bang on the line with a good spinnaker hoist-just a few hicups,a little
bit rusty with wrong leads and late reefs, however a first days run of 192 miles
cannot be sneezed at. The 30kts breeze at night was abit of wakeup call,best
described as Wet and Wild.We had a problem putting the first reef ,had an
unintentional gybe and snagged the bimini_yep we were real soggey and needed to
sharpen up.Despite the dramas we are all in good shape and crew moral is up
Day 2 These N/E winds are unbelievable, real type
tradeswinds, squirting us down the African coast at a rate of knots. Real drama
happened at 5am on the first morning when a German boat lost his rudder and
called to be rescued, the yacht has since been abandoned and is slowly sinking.
The dam Mastervolt alternator has come back to haunt me, it packed up in the
morning charging session, real grief but luck was with us as I had a spare,
which Tim quickly installed_having an engineer on board makes such a
So far we have eaten pasta and spag-bog(that kind
of weather)-the boys have put the lines out , so looking forward to some fish.
To everyone's delight I got stuck in the heads(loo in
english) when a box of mangos slide across the cabin floor and jammed the
door_cries of help saved the day, almost as bad as having a dump and finding out
that you out of paper !
The good news is that we have turned West_Go west
young man! Keep on trucking