24 June
Elemiah's Atlantic Adventure
Ian Cole and Rosemary Bointon
Fri 4 Jul 2008 13:00
Later though the wind got up. We checked that everything was battened down and ship shape for the wind which we knew was arriving. I prepared dinner for today (lasagne) and tomorrow (chili). I also made some carrot and coriander soup for lunch which was warming as the temperature dropped. We brought in the jib as the wind and the seas rose.
Hannah did not feel well but bravely stood her watch. Whilst she and Ian were helming the winds were around 28-30 knots - force 6 to 7. Curtis enjoyed the headlong rush through the night as he helmed and then Roger took over. During his watch winds were up to 32 knots - virtually a gale. The boat was fine and stood up to it all well.
As morning came, it calmed down gradually and once again the sun shone on my watch from 5am to 8am although the sea state was quite different with waves of about 2 - 3 metres.
Rosemary and Ian