14/15 June

Elemiah's Atlantic Adventure
Ian Cole and Rosemary Bointon
Sun 15 Jun 2008 20:27
Here is the fridge - stowed to the brim. The freezer is equally full!
In the evening we cooked our first meal on board - it felt like a triumph.
On Sunday we made a reasonably early start - for a Sunday - and took the boat out. The wind was very light but we managed to hoist all the sails.
The crew hid so that I could not take their photos whilst they hoisted the mainsail.
but I got them when they weren't looking.
We fitted all the reefing lines and tried out the reef on the mizzen. That all seems to work.
We did lots of manoeuvring to practise. Elemiah is a big boat! She is has quite a large turning circle and does not take kindly to going in reverse at all.
This is not a photo of a frog in a green swamp but a photo of the track of our manoeuvring around the bay just outside Lunenburg as recorded by our Garmin chartplotter.
This is the life though.
Rosemary and Ian