Day 16 - Motoring

Gerard Coulson
Sat 9 Jun 2007 21:04
Position: 08:15.5S 125:30.1W
Day's run: 123nm
Course: 262
Distance to run: 802nm
The wind ran out yesterday afternoon, and after 3 horrible hours of slamming
sails and shaking rig so at 0000 we droped the lot and started the engine.
For the next 12 hours we had zero wind but at 1200 today we upped the
cruising chute and after a couple of hours we were topping 8 knots!
The chart that we're using at the moment has no soundings, the next depth
contour line that we'll cross will be the 3000m depth contour, and this will
be 4 miles from Marquesas!