Day 22 - Frustrating weather, but we're nearly there...

Gerard Coulson
Sun 17 Jun 2007 01:18
Position: 10:05.5S 136:48.2W
Day's run: 111nm
Course: 260
Distance to run: 112nm
What a 24 hours! We've had calms, sailable winds, wind reversals and lots
(and lots) of rain! Currently we're sailing, but for the last day we've
motored aboiut half of it. The rain was so heavy last night that vis was
reduced to 100yds so I put the boards in and went down below to read, and
keep an eye on the progress of the rain on the radar.
It would be very nice to be able to sail the last day; we'll see!
We're all ready to be in; all the boats with our freinds on have now arrived
but I think the partiews will wait until we're in!