Day 12 - Fickle winds so slower progress

Gerard Coulson
Mon 4 Jun 2007 21:29
Position: 06:58.6S 116:38.4W
Day's run: 123nm
Course: 257
Distance to run: 1324nm
The winds have fallen lighter and our speed has dropped as a result. This morning the wind has backed into the North East from its normal South Easterly direction; so it took us over an hour to re-rig everything to put the crusing chute out on the port side - only to find then that the wind had become too strong! Aaarrgghh! Anyway, we're now on starboard tack for the frist time in the Pacific!
The boys helped Monica make today's bread so we enjoyed cheese rolls for lunch - Yum. They also are managing to school work since the motion is so much better than it was in the Atlantic. Things are not always shooting off the table!