Day 11 - We're half way!

Gerard Coulson
Sun 3 Jun 2007 20:26
Position: 06:29.9S 114:37.9W
Day's run: 132nm
Course: 264
Distance to run: 1449nm
We're now half way to the Marquesas and to celebrate we've been scoffing home-made Brownies! Tom has been given a new book to read and Jonty has some Galapagos playing cards.
The sailing has been frustrating; to steer our course the wind is on the port quarter but the Genoa won't fill on either side of the boat, so we have to steer off. We also again have upto a knot of counter current at times.
The long Pacific swell has a shorter cross sea coming across it that makes us roll so we are not as comfortable as we could be, but otherwise all is well.
At our current average speed of 5.7 knots we'd estimate arriving towards the end of next week.