Day 14 - Yet more headwinds on the final approach

Gerard Coulson
Sat 17 Nov 2007 01:37
Position: 33:21.2S 175:11.2E
Day's run: 106 nm
Course: 155
Distance to run: 130 nm
SE winds have been forecast for the last run in to NZ, so we've spent the last 36 hours carefully making southing and easting to enable us to sail in. Now we find that the SE winds are more to the S, so we're not able to make the Bay of Islands as I write without more tacking or motoring into lumpy seas. I'm fed up with this trip at the moment and am looking forward to it ending. I'm fed up being a whingeing Pom, and we haven't even got there yet!
It is possible that we'll arrive in Opua tomorrow at some time: Yippee!