Day 4 - Better winds

Gerard Coulson
Sun 27 May 2007 19:07
Position: 04:39.5S 098:54.1W
Day's run: 141nm
Course: 254
Distance to run: 2394
No engine for 24+ hrs now, which is good. Had some good sailing although we 'enjoyed' upto a knot of current against us yesterday.
We`take part in a number of SSB conversations each day, one formal net that takes place twice a day with a kids' net as well for the kids on boats (5 boats have kids on) to exchange jokes, riddles etc. Tom was 'net controller' yesterday! On the nets we exchange positions, weather, course, speed and have general chit-chat too.We also talk to other friends once or twice a day, so on the comms front we're quite busy.