20 24 N 32 39 W 'It's beginning to look a lot like trade wind sailing/christmas'
Allan K Dobson
Tue 2 Dec 2014 12:49
Jeremy cooked the Dorado which was delicious with mashed pots and sweet
corn.. He really is a dab hand in the galley. Last night was v frustrating with
e’ly winds. Got all ready to pole out yankee but finished up under main alone
with one reef in up to force 7. Have changed downhaul, which was a pain,
literally, as I managed to get a cuff round the ear from the pole end, to a
longer line means we can lead the after guy to a cockpit winch which makes life
easier when moving the pole around. Got yankee poled out early this a.m.
but been in squalls, shifting winds and rain until now. Over the past few days
our cog varied between Brazil and Newfoundland but we seem a bit more settled
now and on track. Looks like we have covered about 1/3 of the distance so have
about 1700nm to go. Wont equal last crossing time of 16 days by any means as
weather and route quite different and hope we wont run out of wind. Dave
tried to shower in the rain this a.m. - not a pretty sight - but just got cold
and wet. Jack has not resumed fishing. Hopefully we are now in or near the
trades proper the sun is out with e’lys force 4/5. The swell is following the
wind and we are riding much more easily. Hopefully the rest of the trip will be
uneventful but for the inevitable squalls. Carrick doing what she does best,
rolling along her shoulders easing us thru the following swell and peeling back
the miles. Two flying fish so far and dolphins sighted only twice. Seems the
oceans are becoming devoid of life.