Noon Monday 5th 53:27N 25:28W
Mon 5 Jun 2023 09:51
The plan is...! Mat has sent me a weather synopsis for
the week ahead and it looks like heavy easterly winds on Thursday with the
wind veering a bit over the weekend to south. I have now turned the boat so we
are on the port tack and heading south east so that we can deal with the
winds on Thursday and hopefully have a beam reach into a port in Ireland on
Saturday /Sunday. That's the plan so we'll see how well it does over the next
few days.
About five or six days ago, a bird started following the
boat. It could be an arctic skua (or just as easily it could be a fulmar) but
yesterday there were five of them but not all was bliss. it must be the mating
season. Today, there are only two. They follow the boat then have a spell
floating on the sea, then back following the boat.
The other night as I sat up as we were passing some
weather buoys, after sunset at 8pm, I could see the twilight on the northern
horizon as the sun travelled from west to east on the other side of the world, ready for
sunrise again.
I was happily tucked up in bed with my cocoa when that
happened though.