Pacific Position Report 07/04/10

Thu 8 Apr 2010 02:05
Position 05.47.320S 101.37.301W
Latest score is:
Fish 1 : Beaujolais 2 (1 x Black Fin Tuna, 1 x
Yesterday, when the odours coming from the
non-functioning fridge finally became unbearable, we committed the contents
of our freezer, some several pounds of fish, prawns, chicken and meat, to the
So for the remainder of our trip to the Marquesas,
we have to rely on Rob and his arsenal of lures, for our fresh
This morning, Rob set up both of the rods and
within the hour had caught and landed a lovely dorado (also known as Mahi Mahi).
It was the perfect size for one meal (as we can't keep any excess, so we hope we
don't catch any whoppers
So far we are not starving!!!
Spirits remain high on board and Beaujolais is
responding by performing well, giving us a record speed of 9.2 knots (sog, 10.2
boat speed!!!!)