Checked Out but will we leave?

Thursday 13th March Hotel California (aka Puerto
Both Lizzie and baby are doing fine.
I have tried to get a photo, but it is so difficult. Before the baby was born
Lizzie would cruise the surface and even come up and say hello. But now she has
a different task. You see she has to teach her baby to survive and that means
swimming non-stop, teaching him evasive manoeuvres and they swim so fast and
only come up briefly, so getting a photo is very difficult as a consequence. But
here’s what I did get, so please excuse the quality. You will notice his dorsal
fin is standing up now. Also he is exploring more on his own.
It will be sad to say goodbye to the
dolphins but I am looking forward to seeing some wild ones. I will miss when
Madonna comes up to chat, with her squeaks and clicks, especially if you ignore
her. So back to the quest for the holy
grail !!!!!! As I suspected Angela came through. Within 20 minutes she called
back with a couple of addresses in Well to cut a long story short,
Roger found his deep cycle ( or Profundo Cyclo) batteries, but not what he
wanted exactly. Instead of 2x 200amps batteries, we have 3x100amps, so it means
being more conservative with our electricity. It was weird all the strange
things that kept happening when he was installing them. Remember the depth
gauge? Well it started working!!!!(only briefly). So with the batteries fitted Roger
fitted the new depth gauge, we went out for the evening to watch a great
saxophonist, Art, performing at ‘Richard’s Quarterdeck’. Today has been spent tidying and
victualling up and we are currently sitting at Trebol having dinner with Carole
& Mike (I needed the internet access) so that we can post the
blog. We are setting sail at 6am with an
overnight passage straight to Finally I have to say thanks to
everyone who has been do kind and helpful, so in no specific order:
Gerrado the Marina Captain for
everything he has done for us, if you are planning to cruise the Maya Riviera
stop into Puerto Aventuras Marina, it is fantastic and Gerrado & Gabriela
are so helpful. Nils of Dive Aventuras for providing
great diving and letting us use his address to have things shipped and also for
the use of his internet. The dive outfit is very professional and all of their
staff are great. Thanks also to Andreas and Froy for great dives and to Ted for
his expert tution in teaching Roger for his Advanced
Certification. Juan & Angela for helping us
locate the batteries. Jimmy for the use of his
Carole & Mike for driving us
around and also for giving me the use of her new washer and drier to do the
laundry. To Nicolas and Arasu (& Nicolas
and Max) for their friendship and warm hospitality. To Ricardo for all his advice and
help. To Glen for the use of his depth
Gauge, although it didn’t work out And finally to our new crew Rob
& Sheralee, thanks for just being you guys!!!! So, we’re off tomorrow and it may be
a while before we post another log, so hasta luego amigos. |