February 12th 2009 - Roatan, Honduras (Cont)

1000 Lempira, or how
I was very nearly brainwashed. Roatan has been a bit
of an eye opener for me. Not in the way you would imagine though! Oh no, it is
something much more sinister and insidious than that…...my husband is….how can I
put it…… trying to re-train me!!!!! He is trying to break my shopping
ad I first became
suspicious in Let me set the scene,
this little town had lots of little shops, bars and cafes, but they are just
that….little! So they don’t take
credit cards. So that was his first step in his Machiavellian scheme, take me
where they don’t take plastic!!!! The second step was
to give me money, after all he didn’t want to arouse my suspicions, but give me
it in such large denominations no one could change it. It’s a bit like being
given a £1000 note. Not big enough that people would be so impressed by your
wealth they wouldn’t charge you (like Madonna or Paul McCartney) but big enough
that they couldn’t change it. So that’s how it was.
I would go into a shop, see some nice little trinket, but they would not be able
to change my 500 lempira notes, so I would leave empty handed. Sneeky huh? Well
two can play at that game. I decided I wanted an
ice cream, so I ordered it and when it came to pay she couldn’t change the note,
so I said I would get my husband to pay. No problem, she said and I left the
shop with my ginger and coconut ice cream. You see there was a
flaw in my husbands thinking, he had based it on our western ‘civilised’ culture
and not the trusting, honest culture here. So not only did I get
my ice cream, but Roger paid and I still had my 1000 lempira!!!!! (who’s the
sucker now huh???) Today I saw the next
stage in his plan. He takes me to places
where there are no shops, or if there are there is nothing I want to buy. That
way I appreciate even the smallest shopping ‘treat’, like a visit to a
supermarket!!!! Yes, today I thought
I had died and gone to heaven. Here at Barefoot they do a twice weekly grocery
shopping run to the Eldon supermarket. When I walked in my
smile lit up the aisles, they had things I recognised, they had cheese and lots
of other goodies, but I was unable to control my excitement when I walked down
that home baking aisle…….they had cookie mixes!! Before I knew it I was ‘whey heying’ to
myself…. out loud!!! Yes, such has been my deprivation of late that I flipped
when I saw that I could make cookies for Roger. How sad is it that I am thrilled at being
able to buy 2 packs of Swiss Maid chocolate??? 2000 lempira later, I
boarded the little bus, pleased as punch with my purchases. At least I was until
I spoke to Rosanna, the lady from the catamaran behind me. I was happily raving
over my purchases (you would have thought I got a pair of Jimmy Choo’s for a
fiver) when she smiles and calmly says ‘if you think that’s good, wait until you
go to Plaza del mar!!! So now I am getting
excited, not at the prospect of my diving tomorrow, no, at the prospect of going
to another super market!!!! I’m obviously in a lot more trouble than I
thought!!! He’s even got a way
of dealing with my ebaying. Yes, I heard your gasps from
here. He just keeps us
moving around the world, not because it was his dream to sail to
What he doesn’t know
is that I have contacted my network and ‘safe houses’ are in place to receive
goods and hold them until I contact them (god bless you all, you know who you
are) I mean a girl has to
shop!!!!! |