1st day with Acoolturabi

Mon 21 Nov 2011 01:47
The race started with a good wind and a nice
genaker, we had a nice start and speeds of 10 up to 12 kts sometimes
We were leading the pack and were in a very happy
state. Around 1930UTC the wind dropped and we suffered from the moving boom and
I remembered Armenistis ARC 2009 where
we experienced same situation but on the second day and
with different swell due to three wave directions.
The speed dropped to 2 knots and sometimes to
1kt.even zero. The forces on the boat hull and deck are amazing and makes you
feel that the boat wont make it.
It is now 2100 and we are picking up some wind but
not going the right direction, the fleet is all around with different
directions, most boats heading South.
The lights of Gran Canary and Tenerrife are very
visible and our distance is 27nmiles and 35nms.
When speed drops spirits are down, now though even
not with the right direction we reached 9kts. Hopefully we improve direction and
get out of this shadow.
It is a different sailing the present
from 2009 mainly due to the size of Acoolturabi and the
advanced design. The pain though for the boats' ssuffering is the
We are now deciding whether to go totally South ot
Southwest, Leonidas and I we are more to go South at any risk to get some real
Trading winds.
Speed is improving to 9+ and getting better, we are
trying to identify all boats around us in a 10nm range and monitor their
speed.First day is always difficult to
find then and remeber them also find out their type
and size to compare.
We are not privileged having internet like few of
the boats or you readers able to see the race on the internet.
For now bye from us will have news