14.48.773N 57.22.353W

Mon 7 Dec 2009 21:11
7th Dec 2300UTC
We are 212nmiles away from Samta Lucia and the wind
is around 18kt our speed 7-8kt. Full Genoa with the pole and full main. We have
company for the last 4 hours, there is an Oyster 53 who was behind us they
raised their spinnaker and came closer. The skipper contacted me on Ch 16 and I
requested to mopve to Ch77. He asked us how we are doing and he was
shocked whem I told him that we have steered 90% of the voyage manually being
three on board.
He replied ''Oh you must be looking forward to
arrive in nSt Lucia''. To be honest we are used by now we can steer 3hrs each at
night and use a bit the Hydrovane to get a little rest. The weather has
been nice during the day, the sun was burning and I
decided to steer without a shirt for a while. I had a nice shower and
then back to steering. It was hot, my legs where burning so decided to
call Pantelis to continue.
There are some gusts now George ius steering trying
to avoid an accidental gybe, so from time to time it gets a bit noicy. He is
also complaining because I amn iin the pc and he cannot see well outside so I
will say goodnight and let him take us the right course.
I will try to get somne sleep because I got the
0400-0700 again today how did we manage that? Hmm
Goodnight to all