From Greece to Sicily

After a nice swim between nisos Vardianoi and Akrotiri at a depth of 3,5 meters with beautiful sandy bottom and turquoise waters we set the full main sail and engine (5-7kts wind) starting our trip, a distance of 256 nautical miles to Sicily. We have chosen Syracuse as our port of arrival hoping that we will visit lots of ancient Greek temples and theatres. Weather has been too good with very light winds and Euro meteo the Italian site ( ) gives light northwesterlies for the night of 6th July and southwesterlies for the 7th July. The night has been quiet, started a 2hour watch system. 1st Babis 22:00-24:00, Dimitris 00:00-02:00 and 04:00-06:00 Christiana, this watch system worked well and we us the chance to get a good rest, although there was a lot of excitement as it was our first passage. For me starting this voyage with the family is even more exciting thinking continuously how things should be on the boat and how I can make the trip for the others as comfortable as possible, avoiding mishappenings and taking advantage of the good weather. The traffic has been very quiet, we saw six vessels around us but we had only 2 visible. One was on a collision course so we decided to slow down and let him pass although we had ''right of way''. We let him pass about 600meters from our bow. The rest of the night went very well and I woke up a couple of times to see how the others were doing. 08:00 everybody up except Katerina, breakfast served on a calm and the usual ship's chores. The boys reading ''The Ballad of the Salt Sea'', Christiana on the sun while I am writing this mail. No ships around which was expected since we are in the mid of the Adriatic/South Ionian sea a quiet sector in this area. It is 11:20 now Tuesday 7th July and we are 108 nautical miles from Kefalonia. 148 nm to go. S/Y ARMENISTIS |