35.31.182N 006.46.393W

Sat 12 Sep 2009 11:55
The wind decreased slowly to 4 knots, with
engine we make 7,2 - 7,7kts current is with us but not strong. Sun is shining
now warm 27.6degrees Centi.
We had tapas for lunch, octupus with oil
vinegar and origano, sardines in olive and baby red pepers with anchovies a nice
fresh salad with salad dressing and ...beer.
Some worked fixing the boat, started the watermaker
for one hour to keep the water plenty for washing and others prepared the
lures for fishing. No luck yet. Ioannis (Ι use the names as they show in the
passport-for fun) cannot believe that the Atlantiuc can be so quiet
and with such short waves. As he said: ''ας μην το ματιασουμε και μας
πεσει κανενας καιρος''.
Georgios and Panteleimon are having a nap preparing
for the night watch.
The ocean is very calm now, we have met one red
Morrocan fishing boat and all other shipos are in a distance of about 14
nautical miles. Actually we have a ship on our stern making 16,6kts and going
about the same course with us, we are folowing his course closely. I will follow
after I send the mail.
We have done 63 nm in 7hrs and 45mins i.e. our
speed on the rhump line 7,12 kts 625nm to go.
We have decided for the night watches
Panteleimon to go 22:00 to 01:00 Dimitrios 01:00 to 04:00 Georgios 04:00 to
07:00, Ioannis to help and stay awake whenever he wants or if he is called
for help since we want to try the watch system for the Atlantic Rally.
Watckeepping system as follows:
Formal watches during the hours of darkness only
(3hour watches) and for the day time someone to keep a lookout
on a volunteer basis and whoever has the lookout responsibility must be
clearly defined.
Breakfast free for everybody as he likes done by
each person for himself, lunch at 13:00 and dinner 20:30 all at the
same time prepared by D.
Dishwashing by the rest.
Technical inspection G &P. D
Navigation, Weather analysis and Ship's diary/Web
Diary by D.
We will update our blog every day
at 12:00hrs UTC 14:00LT and at 24:00hrs UTC 02:00LT
Connections have not been ideal during the last 7
hours so we could not send photos.
Our Greetings, Regards from the Atlantic -
Τους Χαιρετισμους μας απο τον Ατλαντικο
ολο το πληρωμα του