Position 7: 26 June 2010 @ UTC 1845 UTC

Tiger Balm on Tour
Gordon Millar & Colette Mullins
Sat 26 Jun 2010 18:59
N06:01.08 E111:48.48

COG 089 M
SOG 7.2Kts
DTG 253 NM
ETA 1500 Local

Brilliant day. Dolphins in the morning, and at sunset, then a partial
eclipse of the moon when it rose this evening. Making good time again -
back in excess of 7kts most of the day.

Sunshine all day with some cloud cover and light
winds. Wind has dropped away completely now, but we still have a beam to
stern quarter swell that the flopper stoppers are coping with. Empty sea - I
mean no other boats - there is plenty of water, current depth 4921feet!