Day 3 - Azores to Gibraltar

Last Leg
Thu 2 Jul 2015 21:22
Position 37:31.0N 016:43.0W 1810 GMT
Speed 6-7 knots. Course 100 deg Magnetic.
543 Miles to go to Gibraltar. 443 Miles gone so far.

An almost perfect sailing day today. Sunshine and consistent winds of 15 knots from the WW. We are sailing along on a broad reach with single reefed main and full genoa. Sailing vessel Grenadine is falling behind and I think we are out of VHF radio contact with them. We have been talking every day but have no idea what they look like. Hopefully we will meet each other in Gibraltar. Sophie thinks she saw a whale. Venus and Jupiter are still dancing closely together just after sunset in the western sky. All good onboard.

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